February 17 FOOD WARS Event

Request CHEACC Membership for 2024-25 School Year

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

Your payment must be received in order to be approved. Please watch for an email with a link to pay.

Your family information is only accessible to other CHEACC members.

  •  Enter the family member who will be responsible for the majority of the educating as the "Primary Name" and the spouse's first and last name as the "Secondary Name".


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Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png


Add Child

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Classifieds Emails:

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Additional Questions

Payment Instructions

Membership is open to anyone who supports the purpose of CHEACC and signs the existing Statement of Faith and Membership Form.

Registration for each school year begins in July. Current members have been INVOICED for membership and should NOT select "New Membership."

  • Annual Family Membership ($45): Memberships must be renewed by the 3rd Monday in August. Families that have not renewed will be parked, and $5 will be added to their membership fee. (If you get parked, it takes longer to renew because you need to send a request, receive a link to pay, send payment, and after it is recorded, the membership director needs to unpark you.)

  • Alumni Membership ($12): Former members who are no longer homeschooling can join CHEACC as alumni.

  • Late Membership ($30): The cost is $30 if you join CHEACC between April 1 and June 30. Registration for the new school year begins in July.

Please contact the Membership Director if you are in financial need and cannot afford to join CHEACC at this time.

RENEWING MEMBERS: If you are no longer homeschooling because your children have grown, choose the "Alumni Membership". If you do not want to be a member, choose "Not Renewing Membership," and you will be parked or deleted from our system.


GRADUATING SENIORS: Your confirmation email will include a link to register seniors for the May graduation ceremony. Each senior registered must pay a $50 non-refundable fee. The deadline is November 1. 

NEW MEMBERS: In order to be approved, please continue with your payment selection(s). When you click "Pay with PayPal" below, you'll be directed to PayPal's secure payment page. CHEACC will not have access to your credit card information.

Please consider donating to HEF (Home Education Foundation) to help support our Florida lobbyist, Brenda Dickinson. For more information, visit their website at www.flhef.org.

Payment Options